Diagnostic Dyslexia Testing
Early identification and proper remediation of dyslexia can prevent failure in the classroom. A child can be tested for dyslexia as young as 5 ½ years of age.
Most parents want to know if dyslexia is the cause of their child's struggles. They also want to know what they can do to help, and what assistance the school can give.
Our goal is to make sure every parent fully understands their child's individual needs, and how to help those needs. Through our in-depth, accurate, and informative testing; parents and students can start on their pathway to success.
There are many types of testing. Be sure you get the type of testing that you need.

Schools test for eligibility and do not diagnose. Without proper identification, ineffective remediation is often given.
Our testing includes a dyslexia screening and analysis by a Dyslexia Specialist as well as psychoeducational evaluations with a licensed clinical psychologist.
If you recognize three or more warning signs in your child, you should consider testing. Please call one of our Specialists for further details.
Our testing includes the following:

1. We use a series of tests evaluating each area that dyslexia can affect. One single test is not enough.
2. A diagnosis of dyslexia and the severity level, as well as any other coexisting (comorbid) conditions.
3. Language that can help qualify a student for an IEP (special education) or 504 accommodation plan.
4. A complete action plan of classroom accommodations your child will need for the rest of their academic career.
5. A complete recommendation plan including the types of remediation (tutoring and academic therapies) needed.