Academic Therapy & Tutoring
At Dyslexia Pros, we are not your average tutor. We are academic therapists and dyslexia tutors who are certified and specialize in dyslexia. As dyslexia tutors, we believe that every student, regardless of learning style or academic challenges, deserves all the tools to be successful. We strive to make our students responsible and empowered individuals who take ownership of their learning.

What we teach:
Phonemic Awareness
Sight Words
Reading Comprehension
Writing Composition
Life Skills
Study Skills
Auditory Discrimination
Latin and Greek Roots
Assistive Technology
Adult Literacy
Starting Point for Tutoring
We treat every student as an individual and make a dyslexia tutoring plan that is specific to their needs. Our academic therapists and dyslexia tutors can determine the correct starting point and the needed intensity for dyslexia tutoring.
Reading instruction cannot be a one size fits all. This is why use a variety of different reading programs and systems to create an individualized plan for each student. We assess each student to make sure we create the right plan.
Students with dyslexia can also struggle with math. Tutoring for math is quite different from tutoring for reading and language. Many of our professionals are trained to teach math specifically to the needs of a dyslexic student.
Writing can often be one of the most difficult tasks for a dyslexic student. We offer a step-by-step structured approach to writing composition that will greatly improve a student's ability to compose stories, essays, and letters.
Most students with dyslexia also have dysgraphia, which can cause great difficulty with handwriting. Our approach to handwriting can be added into a regular tutoring session and worked on at home with or without the help from a parent.
Please visit our Academic Therapy Programs page for a complete list of all the tutoring programs we offer.
What Works Best According to Research
Research by the National Institutes of Health has shown that the "best practice" for an individual with dyslexia is to be instructed in reading and spelling using a direct, explicit, and simultaneously multi-sensory methodology.

The instruction must start with phonemic awareness instruction, followed by a systematic approach to phonics, both analytic and synthetic. It must also teach reading and spelling as related subjects with intense practice and constant weaving of the concepts taught.

Orton-Gillingham-based systems are excellent at meeting these requirements. The Barton Reading & Spelling System is one of the best. To learn more about dyslexia tutoring programs, please call one of our centers to talk to a dyslexia specialist.