“Excuse me. Can you direct me to the Parent Table?”
Did you see me? Did you see me looking for you? Did you see me aimlessly looking around?
I was looking for you. Wide eyed and overwhelmed, knowing my kids are not the only ones. I was the one walking around searching for all the other parents that were searching for answers and other parents to confide in. I was the one hoping to find that other parent who would say, “yeah, me too!”
I sat in a chair in the back of conference sessions taking notes, feeling like there is so much to learn, and so much that I don’t know. As I learned something new, I simply realized how much more I needed to know. This went on for about 2 years. I would be so excited the day the conference catalogue listing the description of sessions would come out. I would star and highlight all the sessions I wanted to attend that pertained to my children. At each conference, I would seek out some nice person to direct me to the parent table, only to find out there really was no parent table. Sometimes I would get lucky and spot you; the other young mom that looked somewhat nervous. I knew we were sharing some of the same feelings but we had no place to go and nowhere we belonged.
Fast forward to the November 2013 International Dyslexia Association Conference in New Orleans. There we all were! It was the place I was always searching for. Passionate moms and dads from all over the country were present. We had experience leading groups, advocating, tutoring their kids, and speaking to policy makers. It was US.
Who are we?
Well, we are the moms and dads of Decoding Dyslexia.
What do we do?
We host luncheons, workshops and roundtables. We talk and connect to anyone that will listen. We speak on parent panels and share our story.
Because we don’t want another parent to go through that feeling of being alone with no direction. We want you to know you are not alone, you have a place, your kid has a place and this place is the Decoding Dyslexia Community.
This community is in 46 States. So the next time you attend a conference, look for us. We will be waiting for you.
Follow the movement at www.decodingdyslexia.net
Follow Decoding Dyslexia - AZ on Twitter @DDAZ16
Until we meet,
Meriah Houser
Parent, Founder of Decoding Dyslexia - Arizona